A Perceptual Connection

938.01In other words, we observe Torah and Mitzvot because we want to please Him, to give Him contentment, for it is the nature of those who love that the love obligates them to want to bring them contentment (Rabash, Article No. 28, 1989. “Who Needs to Know that a Person Withstood the Test?”).

Question: If I do not feel the Creator, I do not feel my friends. How can I practically work with the pleasure mentioned in the article?

Answer: The fact is that when you are among friends, and even when you are far from them in your feelings, you have to imagine all the time how you are getting closer to them, how you are becoming closer and closer to each other. And from your inner feelings, you should choose those common feelings in which you come into contact with each other.

Try to feel the perceptual connection.

Question: How can I check that joy comes from getting closer to the Creator?

Answer: It depends on the friends. You should approach the Creator together and experience a sense of joy and pleasure because the Creator fills your common desire.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/19/23, Writings of Rabash “Who Needs to Know that a Person Withstood the Test?“

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