When a Kabbalist Is Not in Demand

961.2Question: You say that your teacher Rabash suffered a lot internally. What caused him these sufferings?

Answer: A Kabbalist lives in this world as long as he is needed. It does not depend on him. For example, an ordinary person lives as long as he is destined: 60, 70, 80, 90, even 120 years. And for a Kabbalist, everything is built on serving others, leading them.

Therefore, if people need him, he continues to exist in this world. If not, then he has other functions because he simultaneously performs several tasks, not only the upbringing of spiritual offsprings.

Such a time came for Rabash when people around him partially ceased to need him. I felt it too: everything went into automatism and unwillingness to change, his students became Hasidic.

By the way he behaved and thought, I felt that he was putting his thoughts and affairs in order, internally sorting and systematizing students, attitude to the world, the world, and so on, before leaving.

I had no idea that he was leaving, but there was a feeling of “autumn,” the fading of life.

Question: Was it in his power to suspend this process and wake up again?

Answer: No. Only the disciples with their very strong desire, striving for the goal, could call him to life so that he would transmit on them the light of correction that they would demand. But he was not in demand. If a Kabbalist is not in demand, he has nothing to do in this world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Teacher” 4/30/11

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