Unattainable Treasures

276.02Question: The treasures mentioned in the article “Lock and Key” are the pleasures of connection with the Creator for which palaces are necessary, that is, great desires. Why does it turn out that initially we have no desire to reveal these treasures?

Answer: We are born in such a way that we do not need these desires. We will not feel anything special about them even if we reveal them. Just like if you give a baby gold coins, they mean nothing to him.

Comment: But I think many would want connection with the Creator if it is a treasure.

My Response: It depends on what conditions. Since the connection with the Creator can only be built on the equivalence of qualities, it turns out that we must acquire the same qualities as the Creator. This is bestowal, love, mutual assistance, and so on. They are the qualities of the Creator.

We, as a rule, do not have these qualities. Therefore, we do not feel Him, we do not feel a desire for Him, and as soon as there is any opportunity to aim for this, we immediately turn away from it and run away.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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