Pros and Cons of Drawings

548.02Question: During lessons, do you try not to make drawings so that students do not get used to them?

Answer: Yes. If I draw a circle or a line, then at the same time I explain that this is such and such a quality and that the direction of the lines to the right, left, up, and down represent spiritual qualities, and so on.

However, it is very difficult for people to get away from visual perception. They still depict our world and the upper world by the same means of expression, and we have to gradually move away from the images. I make a lot fewer drawings now than I used to.

In the spiritual world where there are a great number of words to introduce a person to a certain state, similar to the spiritual one, about which you want to tell him so that he can feel something, sometimes a drawing is necessary. For example, the Ari drew the “Tree of Life” – “Sefer Ha Eilan” (“Eilan” is a tree, “The Book of a Tree”).

My teacher Rabash did not draw at all. For the last 12 to 13 years of his life, I was by his side, and it seems to me that I probably scared him with my drawings.

At the beginning of studying Kabbalah, I depicted everything in drawings: circles, arrows, drawings, and various relationships. I did not have the opportunity to ask the question correctly, and therefore I wanted him to understand my question from the drawing. Is it in this way or not, and explain why.

I piled so many drawings on him, especially about the world of Infinity—circles one inside the other, overlapping, conjugating—that it scared him. I drew a lot, according to the text, and not just what I wanted. When he saw it and realized that I was asking questions in this way, he said: “That’s it. We will learn in a different way.”

But I did not stop drawing, I just did not show him anything anymore. I drew for myself because the drawing expresses very specific states, and conditionally you can express anything on it, if you clearly understand and accept it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Why Does a Person Draw?” 11/29/12

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