“What is it that could cause a civil war in Israel?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is it that could cause a civil war in Israel?

As the days pass since the 2022 Israeli elections, the conflict worsens between the political blocs. The opposition states that the government is illegitimate and discusses the possibility of a civil war while the coalition calls for the imprisonment of the opposition leaders on the basis of treason.

In Israel, we are coming to a state of inner struggle, hatred and rejection that has caused us to degenerate several times over history, and once again, we are at a crossroad. Even though we understand that our situation is dangerous, and the country has fallen apart twice before due to letting our differences detach us, it still does not matter. We see that we cannot agree to any kind of a compromise, even if means the country’s dismantlement.

And what is this dire situation ultimately based on? Simply put, ego and pride. One cannot let the other govern the country as long as there is the slightest opportunity to put spokes in the other’s wheel. Other than uniting above the divisions, as is it written that “love will cover all crimes,” we can do nothing else to fix our current conflict.

We have to unite and reach a state of a common love despite our hatred of each other. If we fail to positively connect above our differences, then we will cease to exist.

Based on the video “Is Israel on the Verge of Civil War?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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