The Second Day of Sukkot—Isaac, Overcoming

232.05The days of the holiday of Sukkot symbolize the stages of building the spiritual vessel (Kli), that is, the soul, which includes seven Sefirot.

The three upper Sefirot of the ten: Keter, Hochma, and Bina come to us from above because these are qualities of the Creator that He wants to present to us. From these qualities, we already build a special quality inside of us based on the connections between us. Despite the fact that it exists inside the created beings, it is completely similar to the Creator and is pure bestowal.

The seven days of Sukkot are seven stages of building the complete Kli of our soul. It is when something that resembles the Creator is being built inside the matter of creation. This is the inner meaning of the holiday of Sukkot and in general our entire life and existence. Therefore, we need to study how to build our connection, our unity, from different, opposing forces.

The first day of Sukkot is associated with the first quality that comes to us from the Creator, which is called Abraham. This is the quality of the right line, correction up to the quality of mercy, that is, the desire for simple, unlimited bestowal.

The second day, the second quality, is Isaac, who walks in the left line, in overcoming, in working with the will to receive in order to bestow. This is a different quality, which is opposite to Abraham. A person overcomes his egoism and wants to make his will to receive similar to the quality of Abraham who is entirely in bestowal, and then from the right line he receives life, the force of mercy.

How can we build these degrees of Abraham, Isaac, and so on? We are trying to advance in our connection so that it grows stronger day by day. Then everyone feels what addition they have received from a stronger unity. In this form, we gradually reveal what the spiritual Sefirot and their mutual interconnection mean and what a spiritual Partzuf is, which appeared as a result of the correct combination of these forces called Sefirot.

In essence, the spiritual Partzuf is the intersection of the qualities of the Creator and the qualities of creation, of the will to receive and the will to bestow. From the two forces Keter and Malchut, in the gap between Keter and Malchut, all kinds of properties are born, all the forces and their connections with each other from which all the properties that exist in nature appear.

People want to know and understand nature and to feel what it is, but they are not yet able to do it. All of nature consists of forces of reception, forces of bestowal, and their combination with each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/22, “Ushpizin Isaac – Sefirat Gevura”

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