There Are Only Two In Love

294.4In love are two. The whole world around is the scenery (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

My Response: This is natural because you see nothing else. If you love, you love only one thing or one person and nothing else. Love cannot be 360 degrees. It can only be narrowly focused. We have no other choice, no other option. Even take a mother who loves her children so much. All the same, if we fully understood her condition, then, probably, she treats the smallest with the greatest love.

Question: But everything else, as it were, helps this love and only exists for it?

Answer: Only this way, yes.

Question: Is this the way to love?

Answer: Spiritual love implies such a state of a person when he sees all of humanity as one single whole, as one united person, and he loves him.

Because he discovers that with such an attitude to this common, unified image he sees the Creator in him. He builds such a communication system with Him that he begins to feel in this the whole of nature, all of humanity, all of the present and the future. Other ideas about the Creator are untenable.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/18/21

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