Is It Possible To Understand The Upper World?

109Question: The mind cannot understand how to manage the upper universe. This can only be felt, but it is probably impossible to teach. Is it possible to understand the upper world?

Answer: The upper world can be studied and understood purely outwardly in the same way that we imagine electrons and atoms that we do not see and do not feel. In that way, we can get acquainted with spiritual substance and spiritual actions.

It is possible to comprehend the upper world only to the extent of our transition from the egoistic desire to receive to the altruistic desire to bestow. Such a change occurs  in us gradually under the influence of studying the science of Kabbalah.

Question: What tools does a Kabbalist have for advancement?

Answer: There is nothing else but feeling in your heart and comprehension in your mind.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 7/19/21

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What Interferes With Our Attainment Of The Upper World?
We Build The Upper World
How Can We Feel The Upper World?

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