Between Abraham And Isaac

232.05The Book of Zohar, Lech Lecha, Item 24: He weighed several times and saw that the whole world was planted and established from there. In other words, because he weighed many times and did not succeed in drawing light into there, by that, the force of the Din in her was disclosed, from the Masach that was made in Malchut after Tzimtzum Aleph. At that time he saw and recognized that the whole world was established from that Masach, meaning that Malchut, which is called “world,” was established in it.

This is about the appearance of Isaac (the force of judgment). Abraham is the property of mercy and love. You cannot advance with this property, you cannot build anything if there is no property of coarseness, strength, and limitation against it.

You cannot rise only with properties of bestowal and love. You need to have a force like an army. You cannot survive on mercy alone. It is good when it is paired with a good force. And if it is just kindness without force, then it destroys everything and causes a general mess.

Question: What is a screen?

Answer: The screen is the anti-egoistic force that appears in Abraham. It is called Isaac. Abraham must restore this force in him, develop egoism in him, and control it with the help of his quality of love.

Imagine there are as if two people in you, one is egoistic, the second is absolutely altruistic, all bestowal. And you are like an expert between them.

In order to rise above the egoistic force by kindness, you must correctly match both forces in yourself. Thanks to them, you are like on a swing, going up and up all the time.

Any advancement is based on shifting from left to right and from right to left, either step-by-step or as an anchor in the clock. So, here we are shown how the dynamics of human advancement toward the Creator is possible.

The screen is the property that connects the right and left lines, plus and minus, the property of giving and the property of receiving, Abraham and Isaac, so that they can work together, so that the property of mercy would not be destructive.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #17

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