In A World Of Causes

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What happens if we perform actions that are not directed towards the Creator?

Answer: If we don’t direct our actions towards the Creator, then we lock ourselves into the smallest circle. Then the Creator is not in any of the circles of this world and we live on this Earth: the same nations, the same people, the still, vegetative, and animate nature, the same universe, and we don’t see anything except this.

We don’t see the reason that we are alive. And this is our central problem. We don’t know what this life is for, where it comes from, and where it is leading us. What happens before our birth and after death? We are compressed into a very limited framework.

Animals also don’t know anything about their lives. A person comes to them, wants to kill and eat them, but they don’t suspect anything and live according to what is allocated to them. If we don’t aspire to break out from the framework of this world, then our attitude towards life and reality is no different in any way. We simply live and continue to live and constantly search for what is better for us, just like animals.

An animal behaves in order to find a place that is most comfortable for it at each moment in life. We also constantly search for where things will be better for us and don’t think beyond that. We cannot rise above this, so we are also found on the level of the animal except within a more developed system of clarification. I search for where things will be better for me according to many criteria; it is important to me what others say about me, what is now in fashion.

With animals everything is simpler, and with humans everything is much more complex and complicated. But basically, it is the same primitive approach: An aspiration for maximal material enjoyment of life, and that is all.

Everyone is managed by the same approach except for those people who receive a desire to open their eyes and break out of their physical boundaries. Then another focus of all the senses is required for them directed outside instead of inside.

And this is what we learn: how it is possible to be detached from the previous focus, to stop concentrating and focusing on the material, to remove these egoistic glasses and see the world differently, as the causes for everything that happens.
From the Convention in France, Day Two, 5/11/14, Lesson 4

Related Material:
Investigating The Source Of All Reality
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The Closed Door As An Excuse To Enter

One Comment

  1. Locking oneself into a small circle–may be the reason for so much global Depression- and of course the crisis. People are like Plants, just detached- they need the ‘Good Environment’ in which to thrive, Sunshine, Nutrients. Oh and wisdom of kabbalah to show the path . Thanks folks for the lesson 🙂

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