Business On The Verge Of Sharp Changes

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How would you characterize modern business?

Answer: The issue is that businesses are no longer able to remain as they were before when both the worker and the owner sought to gain and mutually to help each other. They knew that their mutual enterprise would bring them profits. Even if the profits weren’t equal between them, they both still had an interest in it.

Today even though the owner thinks about profit, he no longer receives the same pleasure and fulfillment he once did. This has more to do with the pressure of the environment and the loss of the former interest in work so that today, all in all, the internal fulfillments disappear.

The same thing happens to the employee. He goes around and does what he is asked to do, but he doesn’t feel that the work itself gives him satisfaction. In the past the majority of people were satisfied with their jobs and engaged in them with enthusiasm and passion since people were not as egoistic.

All of us develop in the general stream of humanity according to the growth of the ego that for centuries steadily increased.

A human being is a special “animal” who from generation to generation discovers a new ego. Thus children don’t understand their parents and the parents don’t understand their children. This is something that doesn’t exist with animals. In the world of animals, the development of the ego actually doesn’t exist at all. Compare any animal to what it was a thousand years ago and the difference is not great, whereas human beings understand each other less and less, even in proximate generations.

Moreover, the growth of the ego occurs in the form of sharp increases, exponential growth. From the slow development that lasted thousands of years, the ego suddenly rose sharply during the Middle Ages.

As long as the ego simply rose higher, it was good for everyone, there was a mutual interest to fulfill it and somehow to work with it. But beginning in the 50’s in the previous century, the interest began to fade: we closed space programs, we began to see the crisis in all areas of life, in science, in technology, in the family, in education, and in all areas of human activities. This means that our ego, in general, suddenly became unknown to us. Suddenly we lost the exact direction in life.

The reason for this is that the ego turned into being integral. Instead of growing in a linear fashion, it suddenly became “rounded,” and we don’t understand how to work with it.
From KabTV’s “Professional Secrets” 2/3/13

Related Material:
Integrality That We Cannot Escape
There Is No Harmony Without Integrality
Business In The Integral World

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 02.14.13

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