The Best Principle Of Advancement

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can a woman find the lack of desire for spirituality if she feels that she is happy and fulfilled?

Answer: If a person feels happy and fulfilled, he or she does not need anything else. However, if one feels happy and fulfilled, but at the same time understands that his state is a lie and deception, then he has to read and listen to what is said in the Kabbalistic articles. They are talking about our future states which we will be obliged to go through either by force or by our own will. If one reads these articles, if one becomes included in the common work, if one participates in the lessons, then he or she is bound to develop additional desires.

This means that you should feel happy, fulfilled, and joyful, but at the same time you should always aspire to even greater fulfillment and joy. This is the best principle of advancement.
From the 2nd lesson at the Moscow Convention 6/10/11

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One Comment

  1. When someone is happy and feels fullfilled even though it is a lie or deception, is this person in the state of double concealment? And, when they feel a desire through a lack of being happy or fullfilled in this state, is that considered prayer. Because through force they feel a need that there is something more than their happiness and feeling fullfilled with things like money, sex, power or knowledge? And, on the other hand, if someone prays, without force or suffering to move past the barrier, is this only happening because they use the screen and then they start to see God’s intentions and align their intentions with his to love others as ourselves and see how it affects everything in all things in this world? Is this moving from concealment to revelation either through “force or our own will”?

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