We Ruin Our Own Lives

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the Upper World there is only love and unity, but by the time it reaches our world it flips over because our world is opposite to the spiritual one. Absolute love descends to us from above, from the Creator, but here with our eyes, we see the worst of all worlds! Holy actions of bestowal in the upper world influence our egoistic desire here in this world, evoking opposite reactions in it. But the forces themselves were wonderful!

It’s as if I came to you with love and gifts from the bottom of my heart wishing to share all of my treasure with you, but seeing how I love you, you are happy because you can use this and suck everything I have out of me. You think, “How wonderful it is that he’s so kind because now I can rob him to the bone and destroy him.”

Love and a kind attitude come from me, but you perceive it and use it in the completely opposite way. That’s how the Creator gives us all of the opportunities and the goodness, but we use His good attitude by turning on our egoism. We activate it full force and do everything the opposite way!

The Creator is good, perfect, and unchanging. This is the only force that governs the whole universe. But inside of us, this good becomes revealed through actions and the form in which we are able to perceive His goodness. That is why in our world we see people killing each other and that we live in a world that cannot get any worse!

However, if I change my vision, then I will see the perfect world of Infinity, the upper Light filling the entire universe, the holy Shechina. But in reality, nothing has changed. I simply bought new glasses.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/9/11, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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