Make Your Heart Understand

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If our spiritual advancement does not depend on theoretical knowledge of the structure of the worlds and Partzufim, why then do we discuss it in such detail and ask questions during the TES (Talmud Eser Sefirot) lessons?

Answer: If you understand something about the structure of the world incorrectly, it won’t prevent you from spiritual advancement. But it is necessary to study in order to draw the Light.

Due to your aspiration to understand what it is written in The Study of Ten Sefirot, you will want to reveal this state and experience the spiritual worlds yourself. You will eventually realize that without true revelation, you will not understand anything.

You should use all your eagerness to understand what is written in order to finally realize that understanding comes not in the mind but solely through the revelation. And when you start wishing for this revelation, you will receive correction. In truth, revelation implies authentic sensation and not some theoretical comprehension by way of reason. When you get to know the spiritual world, you will understand it based on your own experience, which is regarded as “the heart understands.”

But at present, you are trying to understand by way of reason where and what Sefira is located geometrically, where it goes up and down along the squares on the paper, instead of thinking how they are connected by their properties, their internal essence.

It is very important to be aware of this; otherwise, you will lose big time. You will lose not some few Sefirot drawn on the chart on the paper—you will lose the Light that Reforms.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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