To Restore The Mistress To Her Rightful Position

Dr. Michael LaitmanUntil man evolved and became fit for correction, the wisdom of Kabbalah could not be revealed because people wouldn’t have understood, but would have twisted it. We witness what philosophy and religion have done with the knowledge obtained from Kabbalah, distorting and turning it inside out, instead of using the method correctly.

Philosophy deals with abstract matter while religions deal with the “pseudo-spirituality” in order to satisfy their own interests (desires). It completely contradicts what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches: transformation of one’s own egoism.

Nowadays, the wisdom of Kabbalah may be revealed to the world because philosophy as well as religion and man’s general attitude to life itself has changed so much that mankind is not satisfied with its form of existence anymore. It is pushing it to seek a new form and the reason of its existence, the purpose of life. Without Kabbalah, all of this remains unanswered.

The time has come to restore the power of  the “mistress” over the “handmaid” who has taken over. Incorrect use of the wisdom of Kabbalah “for personal benefit,” as is done in philosophy and religion, is regarded as “a handmaid who is heir to her mistress.” However, it’s correct use is “restoring the mistress to her rightful position.”
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress”

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