Compressed Time Before The Convention

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur state right now is like the state preceding the exodus from Egypt. The closer we come to the exit, the more densely time becomes compressed as it becomes filled with actions, events, and happenings. Therefore a person experiences doubts and everything becomes mixed up inside him: myself, Pharaoh, Moses, the Egyptians, the nation of Israel, inside of Egypt, and outside of it. All of these are my inner states.

  • If I am inside my ego, it is called Egypt.
  • If I want to ascend above the ego, it means I want to run away from the Egyptian slavery.
  • If my egoistic desire rules over me and I have doubts, this means Pharaoh rules over me.
  • If I want to run away from the ego and look at it from afar, this means I am Moses.

All of these states whirl through a person and if he realizes that he is under these influences, it’s wonderful. He performs very fast and significant discernments at great speed.

During the Convention we will fall under the influence of a great common inspiration that has great power. Therefore, we must only continue and not let the state calm down. The most important thing is to be joyful even if it seems like the things that are happening are unpleasant and worrisome.

Even if bad thoughts and doubts greatly outnumber good thoughts and clarity, this is our inner work and we have to advance. We shouldn’t forget that the deepest darkness is felt before the actual breakthrough, before the exit from Egypt.

We shouldn’t wait for that darkness, but should constantly think about the Light and the escape. However, together with our aspiration for the Light, understanding, and greater sensation, it’s possible to experience a completely opposite tendency and to be immersed in darkness, fog, and confusion. That is how things should be and we will go through these states together!

Let’s help each other by expressing how we accept all the states with joy. Joy is the most powerful force because despite everything, you are happy because you are carrying out the Creator’s work and are advancing spiritually.

It is necessary to go through difficult states in order to break out of one’s ego and ascend above it. Good luck to you!


From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/1/10, “Ve Zot Le Yehuda”

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