The Group: Virtual Or Physical?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is there an advantage to studying together in a physical place over virtual study via the Internet?

Answer: Without a doubt, if a person has an opportunity to be present physically at the lesson at one of our centers, to take upon himself the obligation to attend the lessons regularly, this is more effective than a virtual connection. However, if he has no opportunity to be physically present at the lesson together with his friends, this means that the Upper governance has not arranged these conditions for him, and he does not lose anything by connecting to the lesson via Kabbalah TV or the Internet.

But this is only true if the Creator has arranged it so, meaning the person lives somewhere far from all our study centers. If a person lives in Israel, for example, I cannot imagine a situation where he is unable to attend a lesson at least once a week at one of our many centers throughout the country.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/1/10, Kabbalah Learning Approach

Related Material: Post: Desire Knows No Distance Post: A World Of Equal Opportunities Post: The Global System Of The Future Society

One Comment

  1. Kin! Everything is somehow arranged thus that we are made to connect.

    Currently, we are in physical connections that we could not have possibly predicted– like something out of a dream. Our present locality is Berlin, coming from Canada.

    For those having difficulty with physical connections, please do not be discouraged. The whole world is before you and around the next corner, you will, (in the most unlikely of places) meet a friend.

    Loving thoughts,

    Dave and Sandra, (Alberta, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Barcelona, Spain, Toronto, Ontario, Berlin and Leipzig, Germany…. etc… 🙂 Smiles across the miles.

    Loving thoughts and Kavana!!!

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