Put All Your Eggs In One Basket!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Am I “drilling a hole in the boat” by acting in all directions, in all 359 degrees except for one that is aimed toward the mutual guarantee?

Answer: But I signed an agreement with my friends that covers everything! My guarantee does not only apply to the tiny open gap through which I have to reach the mutual guarantee. You will not be able to concentrate one hundred percent on the mutual guarantee without taking the strengths from all the other directions and only leaving the vital necessities there.

Only when all the other directions become nothing but a necessity for you, which “is neither disapproved of nor praised” and all the strengths that remain after providing for your existence are directed towards reaching the mutual guarantee, only in this case, you are not drilling a hole in the boat.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/12/10, “The Love of the Creator and Love for the Created Beings”

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One Comment

  1. Does this mean it is not possible to drill a hole on the boat? there was this puzzle thing..”all that you have is what you cant lose in a shipwreck.” Maybe for years I have thought about this puzzle but I couldnt really find a thing which one way or another wouldnt imply a loss when put into a shipwreck. but I also somehow trust that this puzzle has a true answer. it wasnt a trick..there must be something that you cant lose in a shipwreck.. if it is possible to sink the boat in the first place. When i read this one.. for a moment i thought perhaps..well no i couldnt still solve it.

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