Proper Environment

Dr. Michael Laitman with StudentsAs we advance spiritually, we egoistically begin to value the property of bestowal. It gives freedom and fulfillment; it allows one to be independent. This attitude towards the property of bestowal is called “Lo Lishma.” But later, under the influence of the Light, the property of bestowal itself becomes valuable to us. This attitude toward it is called “Lishma.”

All we need to do in order to attain this state is to follow the advice of the Kabbalists. The point in the heart brings us to a new environment, to a group, and we begin to unite with others regardless of whether we want it or not. These actions immediately help us to attract the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif) on us. It is always around us, but this time we attract it intentionally.

The more effort I put into uniting with others, the stronger the influence of the Light is on me, and I begin to receive new impressions. Eventually, I assess bestowal as something good and regard it as something high and special. This is the influence of the environment.

Proper Environment

The environment is not people. Our efforts, our common desires, enable us to evoke the Light the Reforms. All of us exist in an ocean of Light and we can attract it. This is what the proper environment is: an environment that helps me attract the Light and also the actual Light.

It influences us even when we do not do anything, but in this case, the process flows slowly with the natural speed of the development of Reshimot (spiritual genes). But when we begin to evoke the Light through studying, circulation, and unity of friends, we awaken the influence of the Light’s environment on us.
From the Hoshana Rabbah Night Lesson 9/29/10, Shamati #8

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