The Curtain

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn reality, there are no ascents or descents; you are the only one who determines them by your perception. The Creator reveals an increasingly greater desire to enjoy within you, and you, according to your preparation, evaluate what happens to you as ascents or descents, that is, perceive them either according to your feelings or your desire to reach the goal.

The Creator gradually opens the curtain, unveiling more and more to you, and this is all that He does. And in turn, you need to determine your attitude to this revelation. The revelation is unpleasant to the ego because as more and more is revealed, it is like the Creator is “dragging you by the ear” up the steps of the spiritual ladder.

Certainly, the evil inclination suffers from this since the Light is revealed, and it is opposite to the ego which receives nourishment from darkness. However, if you wish to unite with the Light, then you desire this anyway. In other words, you always have an opportunity to determine your attitude to this revelation: to evaluate it either through your feelings or the connection to the goal.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/16/10, “What is the Matter of Sufferings in the Work”

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