An Entry Pass Into A New World

Laitman_420_04Until now, our egoism was developed by the force driving this world. This force increased our egoism from one generation to the next over the course of millennia. But now it’s finished and our ego no longer sees anywhere to keep going. It has reached the final boundary of the sphere in which it grew and has filled it all up.

We are being treated in a new way that shows us how interconnected we are with one another within the egoistic sphere. This force of compression will constantly push us closer together, closing us inside and showing us how incapable we are of hiding from one another.

Nature is now exhibiting a completely new attitude toward us, and therefore we will feel worse with every passing year. This is why all the countries and governments are in dismay and don’t know what to do with the world. The only way to correct the world is to attract a force that will correct us, which will happen to the extent we desire it. So, we have to desire it!

Every person will be forced to connect with others via a connection of kindness. This will either happen coercively or through the realization that it is necessary. By studying, gathering together, singing, and having a Kabbalah TV channel, we connect to the system from which this force comes to us and corrects us.

Every person has to find out about this and reveal the Creator. In the same way that we now feel ourselves, the world, people and nature, we will have to reveal one more level of reality, one more world.

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/28/10, “Matan Torah”

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