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“Does The World Produce Enough Food To Feed Everyone?” (Quora)

Michael Laitman, On Quora: “Does the world produce enough food to feed everyone?“ Indeed, the world produces enough food to feed everyone, but the problem is that we cannot divide it correctly, genuinely and fairly. Our ego does not let us distribute products well and correctly, equally for everyone. Food is thrown out in some […]

The Energy That Feeds Us

Question: A person is part of a large complex system. Naturally we need internal energy and strength to maintain systemic relations. What is the energy source that feeds us? Answer: This is egoistic fulfillment on all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. If we want to get to the next level, then we need to use […]

Thank You All For The Feedback

I am grateful to all those who criticize my articles for their responses. If my words hurt them, then we already have a connection. Although this connection is negative and we don’t understand each other yet, I recognize that everyone can have their own opinion. Let’s just find out the truth. It is not important […]

“Love Is A Pet That Feeds On Mutual Concessions”

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/7/20 My teacher used to say that love is a pet that feeds on mutual concessions. These days, it seems as though we’re not very fond of love precisely because it feeds on concessions. But the problem is not with love; the problem is with our perception of concessions. […]

How To Feed Humanity

Remark: Pope Francis proposed to introduce the concept of “unconditional income,” not only now during the pandemic, when he advised countries to provide all people with a minimum amount of money so that they could exist, but also later, because modern technologies will lead to the fact that billions of people (according to some estimates, […]

World Breastfeeding Week

From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/1/18 Breast Milk: Humanity’s Greatest Natural Asset As we head into World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7, 2018), the US has just made breastfeeding in public legal in all 50 states. Hopefully, the new legislation will raise the importance of breastfeeding in general. At this point you may be asking […]

Newsmax: “When Did Breastfeeding Become a Bargaining Chip?”

The largest portal Newsmax published my new article “When Did Breastfeeding Become a Bargaining Chip?” It is, and always has been, the best food for babies. There is no controversy about the benefits of breast milk, but its politicization is giving us food for thought. The New York Times claimed that the U.S. government unsuccessfully […]

KabNET: “When Did Breastfeeding Become A Bargaining Chip?”

My new article on KabNET: “When Did Breastfeeding Become a Bargaining Chip” It is, and always has been, the best food for babies. There is no controversy about the benefits of breast milk, but its politicization is giving us food for thought. The New York Times claimed that the US government unsuccessfully threatened nations backing breastfeeding […]

How Can We Feed Hungry Children?

Question: What can Kabbalists do to feed hungry children who die every five seconds somewhere on the planet? Answer: Kabbalists cannot do anything, just like everyone else. The Creator gives all of us such states so that on their basis we will be able to attain the right relationship with each other—”love thy friend as […]

Alone It Is Impossible To Detach From The Feeding Trough

Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot, Section 7: Thus, there are two ways to attain the above-mentioned goal: through their own attention, which is called a “Path of Repentance.” If they are awarded that, then “I will hasten it” will be applied to them. This means that there is no set time […]