Spiritual Children

947Question: Sometimes during a lesson your students start walking or doing something. How do you have patience?

Answer: When a person gets up to get a cup of coffee or cold water, I understand that he is tired, he did not get enough sleep, he is having a hard time. But I treat my students with love and understanding.

These are the people for whom I do everything; they are more important to me than children. Essentially, these are my spiritual children.

What do I have beside them? Who else will I pass this information on to? Who do I want to train? Them, to give out as much as possible through them so that they continue dissemination in the right way.

Therefore, my attitude toward them slightly softens the interference that they create. Just like a mother cannot hear her child when he or she makes noise. For her, this is normal, but for a stranger, something flickering and noisy is unbearable.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalist’s Supersenses” 3/11/10

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