Bestowing, Receiving

549.01Question: How can I act while accepting everything from my friends in the ten and at the same time giving them everything?

Answer: Rabash writes about this in articles about the group.

Let us say if I am in a relationship with my friend, I am for him and he is for me, then in this way we convey our feelings to each other. Does giving back to him prevent me from receiving from him? It turns out that bestowing to him and receiving from him are all equivalent to bestowal.

It is the same with him. Whether he receives from me or gives to me, it all happens only for the sake of giving to me. Therefore, there are no problems in action, since the intention is the same—for the sake of bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Receiving In Order To Bestow
Subtleties Of Receiving In Order To Bestow
Bestowal In Two Phases

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