A Simple Idea

264.01The science of Kabbalah itself is very simple. It is difficult to implement it, but its idea is quite simple.

The Creator created one single desire that He broke into billions of parts. These parts, which are separated by egoism, must be reunited into the same system in spite of the ego.

At the same time, egoism should not interfere with them. On the contrary, it helps them connect. Then their connection, compared to the past, will be 620 times stronger, and these desires will not feel the state they were in initially before the shattering when they felt only themselves, but they will begin to feel themselves at the level of the Creator.

This is the movement of the shattering and its subsequent correction. Everything happens only according to the method of drawing closer and the connection of the broken parts, that is, between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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