A Nation Created on the Basis of Idea

749.02All of Israel became responsible for one another. Because the Torah was not given to them before each and every one from Israel was asked if he agreed to take upon himself the Mitzva [commandment] of loving others in the full measure expressed in the words “Love your friend as yourself” [Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut” (Mutual Guarantee)].

First, there is no such nation as the people of Israel. They came into being out of people who wanted to rise above their egoism because they realized it was impossible to exist within it. That happened in ancient Babylon 3,500 years ago. People understood that if they continued to act egoistically, they would destroy themselves and each other. There was great turmoil, mutual hatred flared up, and the inhabitants of Babylon did not know what to do next.

Therefore, Abraham, the son of the high priest Terach, saw problems, internal strife, and various conflicts among the people, and began to study this phenomenon. He realized that it stemmed from the growth of egoism in each person and that the only solution was to rise above the ego and somehow balance it.

Abraham began to preach this idea among the ancient Babylonians and urged them to unite and rise above egoism to achieve proper mutual understanding, to stop killing each other, and to bring themselves to a normal state.

His father Terach also supported this, but the Babylonian king Nimrod was against it. Nimrod thought that he would lose his power because when people become closer to each other, less aggressive, and kinder, they generally do not care about authority. However, if they become hostile toward each other, a king can intervene and control them.

Therefore, Abraham had no choice but to call upon all those who agreed with his idea of unification and lead them out of Babylon to the so-called land of Canaan. Today, this is the State of Israel. Thus, they came to be called the people of Israel (Yisra-El) from the phrase “straight to the Creator” (Yashar El).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/20, “The Arvut [Mutual Guarantee]”

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What Does it Mean to Be the People of Israel?
The Basis Of The People Of Israel
The Perfect Society Of Abraham, Part 1

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