The Rod or the Snake

115You find that for Him, faith is not regarded as being of inferior importance. On the contrary, specifically, this path has many merits, but it appears lowly in the eyes of the creatures.

If the rod is thrown to the ground and one wants to work with a higher discernment, meaning within reason, degrading the above reason, and this work seems low, one’s Torah and work immediately become a serpent (Baal HaSulam, Article 59 “Concerning the Rod and the Serpent”).

The serpent is all our vile reasoning. This snake hides inside us, but at the right moment, it shows itself and humiliates a person, inciting pride in him and providing justification for his egoistic actions.

Therefore, one must be careful not to fall into this serpentine state. The environment should create such an illumination around a person that will protect him from this fall into primordial egoism.

One must hold faith above reason as the highest value to prevent the rod from becoming a snake. That is what proper work in the ten should be like.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Staff and the Serpent”

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