The Force of Connecting with the Teacher

961.2Question: When we nullify ourselves toward the teacher, it is as if we are included in his screen. There is a feeling that this happens outside of matter, that even the pain of the physical body is not as significant as this construction.

The spiritual we are building is a force without matter, right?

Answer: This is the force of your connection with the teacher, with the next degree in general.

By connecting to the teacher, you are connecting to his knowledge and faith. That is, you connect to him in faith above reason, like a small one to a big one.

Question: You are our teacher. But there is also Rabash, Baal HaSulam, the Creator, in this case, do we mean our direct teacher?

Answer: You connect, for example, to me, meaning that I connect to Rabash, Baal HaSulam, and the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

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