Regardless of the Time

229Question: When you focus on dissemination, how do you calculate which is better?

Answer: You just have to feel it; words can’t convey it to people anyway. When they start to feel it, then they will see. Just like every day we become more and more agile and adapt to new sensations and new opportunities.

If a man from the middle of nowhere hears us, he will say: “What’s the matter? I don’t understand.”

And if you tell an advanced person about this who understands, say, computers, he will say: “Yes, I saw something like that. You’re saying the same thing as there and there.”

Meaning, people will increasingly agree with you. Therefore, we need to advance humanity, and then it will understand us.

We shouldn’t dig into this, there is no special mystery here. In fact, this is the attainment of reality, which is part of my specialty, ontology. Anyone can go in and study it, take the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” and read what Kabbalists write about it.

Comment: But this is a completely different perception of reality.

My Response: People started talking about it 5,000 years ago. But they were Kabbalists who began to discover a new reality.

Rambam writes that the world we feel is under the speed of light. How could he talk about the speed of light in the 12th century? And he’s not the first. We see what Kabbalists wrote back in the days of Aristotle, Plato, and other philosophers.

Reaching the next degree does not depend on time. You can dress according to your time, use the tools, instruments, and everyday life appropriate for that time, and inside yourself, at the level of “Man,” be at the degree of the Creator and attain all actuality, all reality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Change the World for the Better?” 1/23/12

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