Questions about Spiritual Work—125

568.01Question: When people get intoxicated from the “wine of Torah,” can they lose the desire to purify themselves?

Answer: No. It is a special kind of intoxication. It elevates degree by degree.

Question: In the article “Who Comes to Purify,” Baal HaSulam talks about two states: the state of coming and the state of coming and going. What is the difference?

Answer: The difference is that a person comes with a problem and leaves with a gift.

Question: How does a constant prayer correctly combine with joy?

Answer: Joy in prayer, prayer in joy. There are no contradictions between them.

Question: How can one reach the attribute of “the one who came to purify” and stand before the Creator?

Answer: The most important thing is to study the sources, try to feel each article, and then you will be able to present yourself to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Who Comes to Purify”

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