On Different Frequencies

49.01Question: Although we speak the same language, your words carry a whole new layer when you explain things. That is, your explanation in no way matches my understanding. There is a barrier: you are trying to convey—I am trying to understand.

There is a concrete layer between us. How can I understand why we have such a difference in perception?

Answer: Because we work on different frequencies. Definitions I exist in, you do not. There is no need to talk about it, complain, or suffer from it.

At your level, you will not understand me like a child and his parents. So what? The child will grow up and understand. He should try to grasp what they are showing him according to his level. And that is enough!

There is nothing you can do. I do not suffer because many people do not understand what I want to convey. Everyone has their own goal and guiding light; therefore, everyone will grasp it in due time. I teach and give general education. Later, each person seeks and develops himself further based on the characteristics of his soul.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Word – a Million Meanings” 1/8/12

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