Judge All of Humanity to the Scale of Merit

222Comment: In principle, I should judge not only the friends in the ten, but all of humanity to the scale of merit. But this will come gradually. Naturally, it is much harder.

My Response: Yes, you cannot explain to humanity that you are doing this in order to have the right foundation for ascending to the Creator. They may have no desire for this at all, but there is such a desire in the group.

“Make yourself a Rav” means to accept, as a basis, the upper governance, the laws of the Creator, whose purpose is to lead us to ultimate correction. You simply accept this and act upon it.

Secondly, you buy a friend. Thirdly, you judge all of humanity to the scale of merit. In other words, regardless of what happens, you understand that all of this also comes from the Creator.

But initially, all of these actions must be carried out in a small group. Let’s try to create such a group, such a society.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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