Follow the Example of Nahshon

749.01Question: When I feel the fear of death, I close my eyes and pray. What else can I add?

Answer: By overcoming the fear of death a little, you can choose the way to deal with it and get out of it to a state of spiritual ascent. This is what Nahshon demonstrated to everyone.

Nahshon realized that only by setting an example to all the people would he be able to force them to throw themselves into the sea and cross it.

Question: If we, like Nahshon, depend on the people, then maybe the nation has not yet reached the state of “it is better to die than to live like this.” Can it wait?

Answer: You do not have to wait, you have to try to get closer to it.

When we unite our souls, everyone gets strength from everyone. And this helps us all to get out of the Final Sea, i.e., from the completion (Sof, the end) to come to the beginning (Rosh).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/28/24, “Nachshon’s Jump and the Tearing of the Red Sea”

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