The World Is a Reflection of Our Qualities

423.02Question: All I see around me are reflections of some of my qualities. How do I recognize these images in myself through seeing something from the outside and receiving some information?

Answer: I am not interested in external images! These are all false; they are my contrived ideas and our temporary, illusory world. It is depicted by our qualities as if it exists outside of us, but it is inside of us: the galaxy, the universe, and so are all my inner qualities.

At the first spiritual degree, it takes such a low position that Kabbalah simply does not deal with it.

Let us say I have a dog. What difference does it make to me how the dog perceives its world? I am interested in feeling the world through higher qualities. Kabbalah uses low qualities only for analogy, to explain how to develop upper qualities in ourselves, and not to go deeper down.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Limitations of Vision and Hearing” 11/29/11

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