Questions about Spiritual Work—45

231.04Question: Rabash writes that in proportion to the multiplication of good deeds, the Creator gives us gifts, as is customary between lovers. What kind of gifts are these?

Answer: Gifts are the revelation of the Creator’s actions. From them, we will understand the system we are in between us and the Creator.

Question: What are the actions of Maase Merkava (action of creation) and Maase Bereshit (primary action)?

Answer: These are actions of our assembly as we connect in the ten: men, women, and then all together we help each other. There are a lot of different nuances here.

Question: What volume should a friend’s prayer take up in my prayer?

Answer: I do not think it can be measured. You have to make sure that your friend’s heart is together with your heart.

Question: How do we hold on to the Creator in the group?

Answer: By holding on to Him together.

Question: How do I keep my friends in the group?

Answer: Hold on to the Creator and your friends and be a conduit between the Creator and them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/9/23, Writings if Rabash Letter No. 43

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