Invest in Connection

528.01And the essence of the bribe is in the will to receive. Hence, one has no other choice but to first accept the work with all its terms, without any knowledge, but only in the form of faith above reason ( Baal HaSulam, Shamati 152 “For Bribe Blinds the Eyes of the Wise“).

Question: Should I try not to receive a bribe at all, or should I receive and give it away?

Answer: You should try to determine what this bribe is.

Question: Anyway, the Creator communicates with me through pleasure. Should I refuse to receive, or try to receive for His sake?

Answer: You should try any of these directions. The main thing is to move forward.

Question: If what we receive from the Creator is invested in the connection of the group and in dissemination, will it not be a bribe?

Answer: No. On the contrary, it will all benefit you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/23/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “For Bribe Blinds the Eyes of the Wise“

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