Internal and External Commandments

533.02Question: Why are there commandments that can be performed as external actions, like putting on tefillin, etc. and others that can only be performed internally, such as, “do not make an idol,” “exalt the Creator,” and so on?

Answer: This suggests that there are commandments under which we must internally adjust ourselves to a certain attitude toward a person or some action. The most important thing in fulfilling these commandments is our attitude.

There are commandments in which the main thing is not the attitude toward someone or something but the physical fulfillment itself. Therefore, the commandments differ from each other. But this does not mean that each of them is more or less important relative to the other; rather, it is that they can be sorted according to such criteria.

Question: Why does Baal HaSulam say that there are only two commandments in the world: reception and bestowal?

Answer: It refers to a person’s actions. That is why Baal HaSulam calls them commandments of reception and commandments of bestowal. That is, we must learn how to receive from any person, from the world, and from nature, and bestow in accordance with this. We practically do nothing else.

Question: Does this have something to do with the division of the 613 commandments into commandments to perform an act or to abstain from an act?

Answer: No. This is a completely separate division.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/21/23

Related Material:
Opposition To Unity, Part 7
The Commandments Are Heard Only When We Reach Connection
The Main Commandment

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