Expanding the Range of Our Sensations

276.02Question: Can you give examples of or describe the spiritual world?

Answer: It is impossible to describe it! I have no words to describe the spiritual world! Therefore, Kabbalists invented their own language or used the language of our world to describe spiritual roots.

But then you still imagine that there are objects from our world in the spiritual world. When I say: “Man, woman, children, and trees,” you imagine them in the spiritual world as the same as they are in our world.

First of all, we need to break away from earthly images, similar to Abraham when he smashed his idols.

Therefore, I should not describe what is happening in the upper world. It is said: “What you attain, you and no one else will feel.” This is impossible to convey! You have to get to it yourself and attain it.

Then you and I, feeling the same picture, will be able to exchange our impressions. It will be clear to us from our common language what we are talking about.

We need to start working with ourselves to expand the range of our sensations. Until then, you cannot do anything. You will look at the others and say: “How small they are! How stupid they are! How limited they are! How they lead themselves to even greater suffering!” And you will not be able to do anything either.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call Limitations of Vision and Hearing” 11/29/11

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