The Creator Is Waiting for Us to Turn On the Light

239Question: Mikhail asks: “What is the ultimate goal of a person? Is it to dissolve into the Creator, as you say, to merge with Him? Will we lose our identity or not?”

Answer: I would say it is much higher—to complement the Creator. Except that it is said “You create Me.” So says the Creator. But at least if we do not create, we complement Him.

Question: So, is there some flaw in Him if we complement Him?

Answer: Of course, there is a lack because He is suffering very, very much without us. He has the desire to bestow, to saturate, and to emanate, and there is no one, no one wants to.

Question: But we want to be satisfied, to receive, right?

Answer: We do not want to be fed from Him and not by Him! Therefore, here, I would say, it looks like a war of nerves, who will be the first to give in and say: “I love you!” This is a game of exhaustion, of course, really.

Question: Mikhail asks: “Will we lose our identity or not?”

Answer: We will find it then. What kind of identity do we have now? There is absolutely none.

Identity is acquired by the fact that we become necessary for the Creator in action. We are already necessary, but in action, in the fact that we get closer to Him, unite, and merge with Him; in the fact that we complement the universe, we cause filling in the whole universe, the upper light that fills the whole creation. Without us, it would be empty, cold, and dark.

Question: What kind of additional help does the Creator expect from us?

Answer: So that we turn on the light, turn on the light in fact in this world, so that the universe would be filled with the light of the Creator, love, goodness, unity, and perfection in all possible forms.

Comment: At the same time, you say this today when one does not know where to run. With these crazy wars.

My Response: Nothing needs to be done. We just must wait calmly, with confidence that this should happen, to want, to ask, to quietly ask the Creator.

Question: Is that all that is required of us?

Answer: Yes. Without unnecessary noise, statements, disputes, without anything.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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