Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12.27.10

Writings of Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam, “What is A Big or Small Sin in the Work”
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The Book of Zohar — Introduction: “You Are Partners With Me,” Item 61, Lesson 1
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Talmud Eser Sefirot 3, Part 8, Item 35, Lesson 20
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Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy,” Lesson 1
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Love Is Mutual Inclusion

Dr. Michael LaitmanLoving another as I love myself implies that I become imbued with the desires of another as my own and even more as with my own. Like Bina, I “absorb” his desires with my AHP (Awzen, Hotem, Peh) in order to provide him with everything he desires.

This is what love is. This is how a mother loves her child. To love like that, I need to reach the spiritual degree of Bina, having undergone the degree of Hafetz Hesed (exiting, rising above my desires). In the beginning, when a point in the heart awakens in me, I acquire free will, enter the group, and study while remaining in the egoistic intention, Lo Lishma (not for Her Name).

Then, I ascend to the first level of altruistic intention, Lishma (for Her Name), which is regarded as Hafetz Hesed. At this degree of Bina, I first obtain the desire to bestow, GE (Galgalta ve Eynaim), followed by the desire to receive in order to bestow, AHP. I rise above the mountain of egoism of the zero, first, and second degrees (GE) and afterwards, over the mountain of egoism of the third and fourth degrees (AHP).

Finally, I engage my AHP in order to relate to others as Bina relates to Malchut. At this point, it is a complete intention of Lishma, the spiritual degree of love. Why love? It is love because I am mutually included in the others, absorb their desires, and fulfill them.

Love is Mutual Inclusion

This is how we start loving others. In this love, we find love for the Creator which signifies the end of correction (Gmar Tikkun).
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/31/10, "The Need for Love of Friends"

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