How To Accept The Creator’s Governance

Dr. Michael LaitmanNo changes occur from the Creator’s side. Everything changes in us, gradually, through Reshimot (spiritual records, genes) which intensify from lighter ones to heavier ones. In this manner, step by step, we learn to treat everything we feel correctly. All the lessons of life are lessons of correct attitude to the Upper Governance.

All of nature develops by the “still,” “vegetative,” “animate,” and “speaking” (human) degrees. Each degree has the same four levels of development. On the first three levels of the “human” degree, we are not ready to accept the idea of the causal development. This degree is characterized by the absence of questions, and for it,  the Upper Governance exists only in the form of religion.

However, there is a fourth level of development in us, when the Reshimot to the Source, to the Creator, awaken in a person. Of course, from time to time, a person disconnects from this and “forgets” or “falls” under the influence of worries or pleasures.

However, with the help of the environment, he is given an opportunity to connect himself to the Upper Governcance regardless of any incidental influences or interferences. Then a person correlates the interferences with the Creator, whom he may also ask for correction rather than goodness and cancellation of obstacles.

If a person imagines that there is a cause in the world, fate, someone who causes evil and someone else who can send him goodness, then such a person worships two “idols.” He is afraid of evil and asks for goodness. This often happens to people, secular and religious alike.

All these stages of developing an attitude to the Upper Force should bring a person to a state of “There is none else beside the Creator.” This builds a completely different approach to the Governance. It turns out that both forces, the bad one and the good one, come from one Source. And this means that we need to somehow justify the suffering since how can something bad come from a kind God?

This leads a person to the conclusion and realization of the fact that there is no separation into two forces, a good one and a bad one. The Creator simply treats him like a father treats a son and teaches him through every step.

In this manner, the Upper Governance – the education that a person receives from the Creator – is revealed in one’s life. And he is assisted in this by the environment, the other “children” in the same “nursery school,” taken care of by the same Instructor.

We all help each other and cultivate the right attitude to the Upper Force which controls and teaches us to become big in order to attain it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/10, “And Jacob Sat at the Land Where His Father Dwelled”

Related Material: Post: Deceive The Ego Or It Will Deceive You Post: Attaining The Mind Of The Universe Post: Untwist The Chain Of Reshimot

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11.01.10

Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam, “And the Children Racketed Within Her
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The Book of Zohar – Selections, Chapter “BeShalach (When Pharaoh Sent),” Item 252
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Baal HaSulam, “Beit Shaar HaKavanot,” Lesson 12
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Rav Yehuda Ashlag, “Ve Zot Le Yehuda,” Lesson 2
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The Path To The Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How will our mutual inclusion manifest at the convention?

Answer: Our mutual inclusion takes place not only at the convention, but in our daily lives as well. The daily lesson is essentially our mutual inclusion in a concentrated form.

Thousands of people all over the world study together with us. We study the same sources, the same material; we all read the blog, answer questions in the spiritual stimulator system, sing the same songs, essentially live the same theme. Thanks to all this we become included in one another.

And with each day this mutual inclusion between us grows and deepens, until we come to the state of mutual guarantee. What is the mutual guarantee? It is the minimal degree of mutual inclusion between us, corresponding to the first spiritual degree, when the Upper Light can shine in our spiritual vessel.

Related Material: Post: Connection Is Life Post: Mysticism Or The Force Of Life?

What Is Mutual Engagement?

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn essence, mutual engagement (mutual permeation – Hitkalelut) is the most profound act; and there is nothing to compare it with in value. This derives from the Plan of Creation. The Creator, the Upper Light, creates the will to receive pleasure, which aims solely at filling itself with absolutely everything that the Light contains. It is literally a slave to the Light for it experiences the latter as pleasure, life itself.

In such form, this desire cannot be called a created being yet for it has no autonomy and is completely dependent on the Light. Hence, as a creature, it doesn’t exist, similar to a shadow that cannot exist separately from a person or some object casting it.

But the Creator wishes for the creature to become autonomous, as He Himself is. For this, the creature needs to walk a very long path, much longer than the drop of semen undergoes before it turns into a living organism. After all, the creature is created as the shadow of the Light, as its imprint, its opposite. But gradually, under the influence of the Light, it begins evolving.

And all its further development in the process of the 4 stages of expansion of the Direct Light and appearance of the worlds of Adam Kadmon, Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya, our world, the descent of the souls into the corporeal world and their ascent to the source takes place based on the mutual engagement of the desire and the Light. At the same time, the creature absorbs all of the properties of the Creator and becomes as He is.

Moreover, due to the fact that it acquires a more complex inner structure, it gets an opportunity to learn all the details of creation in all its depth. Thereby, the creature gets to know what the Creator has done in him. Learning itself is an offspring of the Upper Light and the created being gets to know the Creator. It is described as “From Your actions I shall know You.” And all of this is thanks to the act regarded as mutual engagement.

From the TV Program Kabbalah for Beginners 10/27/10