Features of Spiritual Development

592.01Question: I saw a documentary showing how prisoners participate in circles, like workshops, in which they connect. They reveal all sorts of childhood desires and often scream to release them.

Will similar things happen in our case? Or does the upper light smooth everything out and make our process gentler?

Answer: We are not dealing with psychology, but with Kabbalah, and we go through much more complex states. Simultaneously, our Kli (vessel) constantly expands, our sensations become more powerful, and we can contain more within ourselves. Therefore, we do not experience such psychological outbursts as in the groups you mentioned.

On the contrary, a person who advances in the study of Kabbalah appears much calmer externally. That is not because they are working on themselves to restrain emotions, but because, under their screen, there is an enormous capacity for desires, feelings, and sensations.

Thus, they can calmly endure states that would be difficult for an ordinary person to bear in our world.

Otherwise such a person might lose their sanity, as neither their nerves nor mind could handle it. But in Kabbalah it is possible precisely because we are constantly developing our Kli.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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