The Language of the Kabbalist Researcher

525Question: Is your Hebrew based on a limited vocabulary?

Answer: Yes, indeed, but no more is needed.

In the last century, there were two great Kabbalistic sages: our great teacher Baal HaSulam and the great Kabbalist Rav Kook. Rav Kook always told Baal HaSulam that he envied his small vocabulary, with which he could convey huge layers of knowledge, sensations, and insights.

Rav Kook himself was, so to speak, the master of the spiritual word, the literary language. His language is very flowery, verbose, complex, and confusing. As long as you read one phrase, a page and a half long, like Leo Tolstoy, you can hardly understand anything. But that’s how he expressed himself. It also depends on the character of the person.

As for me, since at my core I am still a researcher, scientist, and systematiser, I do not tolerate anything superfluous. Therefore, in my speech, in my explanations, I try to make everything concrete.

I believe that this is the most important thing in human education. And feelings already depend on his inner work.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalist’s Limitation” 4/17/10

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