The Course toward the Conception of a Spiritual Embryo

938.02Question: Suppose we now set a course for the conception of a spiritual embryo (Ibur). I feel the deficiencies (Hissaron) of my friends. What does it mean to annul myself before them? Does it mean having no thoughts or desires of my own and thinking only about them?

Answer: You have gathered together to perform some spiritual work; otherwise, all your efforts and time are wasted. Therefore, I advise you to simply take into account what we say about the embryo and try to implement it as much as possible, constantly think about it. That is it! Nothing more is needed.

Continuously imagine what you need to do to remain in this state, maintain it, and develop it so as not to fall. This should be everyone’s concern, and then you will feel that you are all in one stream, moving in one direction as all your thoughts intertwine. This direction will hold and develop you.

Question: I am sure that each friend cares about finding the embryo (Ibur) in the depth of our connection. But what does this search really entail? What does it mean to think about it correctly?

Answer: Thinking correctly about the embryo means thinking only about how I annul myself. I do not criticize my friends; I consider them absolutely perfect.

If I see any imperfection in them, I attribute it to myself, to my own qualities; my qualities are why I see them as imperfect. I need nothing else but to annul myself before them.

Ideally the gradual and constant annulment of yourself before others should be in actions, thoughts, and feelings. Then within a short period, I will feel that I truly reach such a state.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
How The Spiritual Embryo Grows
Annul Yourself And Start Living
Spiritual Birth

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