Men and Women: Working Together

571.01Question: It is very important for us to unite and create a women’s Kli. You said that our common goal is to clothe the female desire with the male intention. How can we achieve this? What should women do?

Should we not think about ourselves but only about the men? What do you advise us?

Answer: I feel your pain, as if you are powerless without men. But this is not true.

You must understand that if you gather among yourselves and try to rise above your feminine egoistic rejections, you will have a wonderful opportunity to create such a Kli that will not even need the male one.

Of course, later we will find that there is mutual complementing between male and female parts. But at the initial stage, there is absolutely no need to mix female and male attempts to connect. Each in their own circle. If you seriously connect with each other, you will not need men.

The Creator gives screens and intentions to both men and women. History knows great women prophets, Kabbalists, who were greater than men. So you have nothing to worry about.

Later, we will combine our male and female-specific qualities. But this is not the kind of work where we are together nearby, seeing and hearing each other. We will feel this as a desire in the air—here is the female part, here is the male part. We will even feel the female and male parts within the female part and the male and female parts within the male part. This is how we will interact.

That is, we need to develop and reveal who we are. Then we will see that we can work together.

But there is still a very long way until the very end. There are many months ahead until each can understand what a female and male ten is and how we can connect with each other in not a physical, but a spiritual contact.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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Women’s Connection
The Correct Connection Between Men And Women
A Man And A Woman – Mutual Completion

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