Don’t Relax!

945Question: During each lesson, it feels like your intention just covers the entire field, and it is so pleasant to sit, listen, and absorb everything. Is this a good sign? Or does it indicate that I am not doing some kind of work?

Answer: This is something you need to determine for yourself. Do you feel inner tension while processing what you hear from me? Are you in a state where you must absorb it, internalize it, connect with others, and somehow realize it all?

Comment: Yes, there is such tension, but it is not clear how to convey it further.

My Response: But this is a different matter.

I will tell you one thing: you have a serious preparation and serious potential. You can indeed succeed. Don’t relax!

We must present the Creator with such a collective desire with the right intention to compel Him to reveal Himself within us. That is what we must do.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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