Dimension in Spirituality

115Question: When we mutually integrate into each other, we will feel unity 620 times stronger than it was initially at the formation of the common soul. Does this state also include all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human?

Answer: This refers to the spiritual dimension. Therefore, if you are talking about the common soul or about some particular attainment, then in spirituality the particular and the general are equal. A part is not a part of the whole, but the same whole.

The 620 parts are practically the entire spiritual Partzuf, attainment from Malchut to Bina. But in principle, these 620 are further divided into dozens of parts.

248 parts from Bina to Tifferet (RAMACH) and 365 from Tifferet to Malchut sum up to 613 parts (TARYAG) plus seven additional parts, which are a total of 620 parts (TAPACH). But 620 are the parts of the soul into which it is generally divided, and each of the parts also consists of 620. Thus, spirituality always consists of 620 parts.

Just as a person has all sorts of small and large organs, bones, and tendons so does the spiritual body.

When we perform some spiritual actions of bestowal, of approaching, we constantly renew and correct these desires. And how this happens, we do not yet feel and do not know, but we will later definitely see and attain it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

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