Attain the Common Soul

929There is indeed only one soul in the world… .That same soul exists in all the children of Israel, complete in each and every one, as in Adam HaRishon, since the spiritual is indivisible and cannot be cut—which is rather a trait of corporeal things.

Rather, saying that there are 600,000 souls and sparks of souls appears as though it is divided by the force of the body of each person (Baal HaSulam, Article “600,000 Souls”).

Every person has a soul, and this same soul is present in everyone. We cannot truly imagine this. It is like the theory of relativity—not everyone can grasp what it describes, and the spiritual world is even more challenging to comprehend.

There are several principles that we accept on faith because Kabbalists speak of them from their experience. Until we cross the Machsom, the barrier separating our perception of our world from the perception of the spiritual world, we cannot fully understand them.

In the spiritual world, there is only one soul that exists in each of us and in all of us together. It is not that if the soul is in each person, it is a small part of the collective soul, and if it is in everyone, it is one collective soul. No, it is one and the same soul.

Everything depends on how much a person reveals this soul. In other words, the extent to which he acquires the quality of bestowal, connection, and love determines how much he perceives the collective soul, whether in greater or lesser volume. But essentially, it is always one and constantly shines upon him.

In our perception of reality, we cannot imagine that the collective soul, being one for everyone, can reside in each person’s perception, or be felt as a part.

Our egoism prevents us from seeing it fully. For this reason, two discernments were made in the corporeal body, [meaning, in the egoistic perception]: In the first discernment, one feels one’s soul as a unique organ and does not understand that this is the whole of Israel. [This is the only thing created by the Creator.]

In the second discernment, the true light of the soul of Israel does not shine on him in all its power of illumination, but only partially, by the measure he has purified himself by returning to the collective.

The sign for the body’s complete correction is when one feels that one’s soul exists in the whole of Israel, in each and every one of them, for which he does not feel himself as an individual, for one depends on the other.

At that time, he is complete, flawless, and the soul truly shines on him in its fullest power, as it appeared in Adam HaRishon… . [That is, as it was in the state in which it was created by the Creator.]
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

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