Accumulation of Experience

938.05Question: When we sit in different tens during workshops, is there some similarity that we can identify whenever we change the ten?

Answer: What difference does it make?! You exist in one organism. All of humanity is one ten that now is broken into multiple parts.

This way, it is not important who you will be with, just like it is not for the cells of one body. Therefore, the most important commandment of correction is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It means we must reach complete agreement, balance, and unity.

Thus, there is no difference with whom to sit, with these or those. On the contrary, each time you absorb from others some new aspects of connections and approaches—you toward them, and they toward you. In this way, you accumulate a great experience.

As for an entire year, you accumulate experience in one ten, while here at the congress, you can go through all these states within one week. Think about this opportunity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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