A Tricky Question from “Truth-Seeker”

961.2Comment: A person under the avatar “Truth-Seeker” asks, “Why does the whole world hate Jews, and I do too?”

My Response: Because the world is arranged in such a way that Jews have the only true point of this world. This is the feeling of the Creator. For this, everyone hates them.

Comment: But ideally, it should be the other way around.

My Response: No, the truth is attained only from the darkness. Therefore, we must constantly be on the transition between darkness and light.

Question: What does this indicate?

Answer: This indicates that the Jews, the people of Israel, have a tool. This tool can determine whether I am following the Creator or anything else.

Question: Does a Jew have such a tool?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why hate them for it?

Answer: Because they have it.

Question: Is it like they have it and I do not? Is that the game?

Answer: Yes, it is even higher. It is because the Creator makes it so. If it were at the level of our world, it would be only half the trouble.

Question: So if it were just between us, you say it would be half the trouble. Does that mean the Creator directs this hatred toward us, the Jews?

Answer: Yes.

Question: The fact that Truth-Seeker admits as he writes at the end, “And I hate them too,” how do you interpret that?

Answer: That is how he feels inside. If he feels it, then that is how it is.

Question: Tell me, please, when he says, “And I hate Jews too,” is there pain in this, that “I hate you”? What do you think?

Answer: This is the pain of the Jews’ connection with the Creator. I can have anything, but if I do not have this point of connection with the Creator, then I am simply nobody.

Question: What should we do to be truly connected with the Creator?

Answer: We must justify that we are Israel. “Israel” translated means “straight to the Creator.” That is all.

Question: What do we need to do for this?

Answer: Leave everything aside except this yearning to the Creator; it is the most important thing.

Comment: So everything else is just toys, you say.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Should only this remain?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/6/24

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